isaiah 53:10 septuagint

He loved not his life unto the death, and his followers, the martyrs, did likewise, Revelation 12:11. If the sovereign should permit another to suffer in his stead, it must be the sovereign's own act and deed. He lives to carry it on. This we must inherit, as a son follows his father's business. Many, when they see their seed, their seed's seed, wish to depart in peace; but Christ will not commit the care of his family to any other, no, he shall himself live long, and of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, for he ever lives. If I owe a man twenty pounds, it is no matter to him whatever who shall pay the twenty pounds so long as it is duly paid. You may put away your crowns, ye kings and emperors earth, yellow earth, hammered, and decorated, with other sparkling bits of soil you may put them all away, as altogether outdone in value! Footnotes. You need not do anything to make the atonement of Christ sufficient to pardon you. There is no effect of Christ's death that is left to peradventure. We take life from our parents, this links us with the first Adam: we have taken life from Christ, and this joins us to the second Adam. 15 votes, 19 comments. The English translation of The Septuagint by Sir Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton (1851). If ye can give an offering for sin, your soul shall see a long-lived seed: Jump to: Bible Study Tools; Parallel Bible Verse; Bible Contextual Overview; You remember that Daniel prophesies, "From the time the commandment goes forth to restore and rebuild Jerusalem to the coming of the Messiah the Prince will be seven sevens and sixty-two sevens, three score and two sevens. They know he has done no wrong (9).Despite the inhumanity of people, the servants death is according to Gods will. We are his seed. "Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon." What is the gospel? He shall prolong his days Or this spiritual progeny shall prolong their days, i.e., Christianity shall endure to the end of time. I pause once more; for I hear some timid soul say "But, sir, I am afraid I am not elect, and if so, Christ did not die for me." Man may put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter; darkness for light, and light for darkness; but this follows him as a dog at the heels of its master, a sense that virtue should be rewarded, and that sin must be punished. He shall see his seed." There are a few of the boldest of the saints gathered round the stake, and as he unrobes himself, ere he stands upon the fagots to receive his doom, he tells them that it is a joyous thing to be a soldier of Christ, to be allowed to give his body to be burned; and he shakes hands with them, and bids them "Good by" with merry cheer. I keep looking out from this pulpit for that small portion of them that may be born in this place; and there are many watchful brethren and sisters here, who try to speak to all that come into the place in whom there are movings of the Spirit. He has divided the spoils, the fruits of his conquest, to all that are his: let us therefore cast in our lot among them. They answered, "We go to see him burn that we may learn the way." (3.) Trust Christ implicitly trust Christ; and all that he did shall cover you, while all that he suffered shall cleanse you. "In the fullness of time" God did rend his Son from his bosom, his only-begotten Son, and freely delivered him up for us all. ralink rt5370 driver windows 10. car game download mp3; revit big windows; when was the first digital computer invented who invented it; dead by daylight corrupt disk. 8 He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? Ar. 2. And so that we might see the relationship with 53, we will begin our study of chapter 53 with verse Isaiah 52:13 of 52. It sometimes denotes the rational soul, regarded as the seat of affections and emotions of various kinds Genesis 34:3; Psalms 86:4; Isaiah 15:4; Isaiah 42:1; Song of Solomon 1:7; Song of Solomon 3:1-4. Even the Son of God stoopeth not to this burden uncalled. The language here is taken from that which was regarded as the highest blessing among the Hebrews. See! Now Isaiah begins to prophesy here concerning God's servant that was to come. and so Aben Ezra says these words are spoken of the generation that shall return to God, and to the true religion, at the coming of the Messiah. There is no beauty there that we should desire. Behold, my servant shall deal prudently, he shall be exalted and extolled ( Isaiah 52:13 ). As Christ himself stated it: "I am the first and the last and the Living one; and I was dead, and, behold, I am alive forever more, and I have the keys of death and of Hades" (Revelation 1:18). Psalms 21:4; Psalms 34:12; Proverbs 3:2). The soldier had made assurance doubly sure by piercing his side. And John said, "And I turned and I saw Him as a lamb that hath been slaughtered" ( Revelation 5:2-6 ). Why his seed? So you call up and you make a date. There is no merit of thine needed; there is merit enough in Christ. According to the will of God because God loved us. THE SIMPLICITY OF THE CROSS - Vs. 2 Look at him: look at his rags; how foul they are! (3.) He loves his people no less, and he could not love them any more, than when he died for them, and so for ever "he shall see his seed." He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? You don't get the full brunt of it. 8 The Lord sent a word into Jacob, and it hath lighted upon Israel. It is Christ's life that is in every true believer "For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God; when Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall you also appear with him in glory." and consider the unexampled love which shines in Christ's gift of himself. They believe that Judas was atoned for just as much as Peter; they believe that the damned in hell were as much an object of Jesus Christ's satisfaction as the saved in heaven; and though they do not say it in proper words, yet they must mean it, for it is a fair inference, that in the case of multitudes, Christ died in vain, for he died for them all, they say; and yet so ineffectual was his dying for them, that though he died for them they are damned afterward. He is one of those that I'm looking forward to just really spending some time with in the future. I do implore you, do not look upon the sacrifice of Christ as an act of mere vengeance on the Father's part. Are you a sinner? If there is an anxious soul, they seek to find him out. if your eyes could see to-night the terrible justice of God which a being executed now, if these ears could but hear it, if ye could be appalled for a moment with, " The sullen groans and hollow moans And shrieks of tortured ghosts,", you would soon perceive that God is punishing sin! And, last of all, by Christ's death the Father's good pleasure was effected and prospered. I may be called Antinomian or Calvinist for preaching a limited atonement; but I had rather believe a limited atonement that is efficacious for all men for whom it was intended, than an universal atonement that is not efficacious for anybody, except the will of man be joined with it. I. And so, "He shall see the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied.". because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors ( Isaiah 53:12 ); Two thieves on either, one on either side. 5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. If you don't cushion the blow, a surprise blow that you don't see coming, that's where you get hurt. ], "The Old Testament testifies uniformly that the dead are alive, and in this sense it is no surprise to find the Servant alive after death. The chastisement of our peace "The chastisement by which our peace is effected" - Twenty-one MSS. No other man can qualify. And so here the cross is predicted, prophesied in Isaiah. Beloved, if it had been possible to destroy the church of God on earth, it would have been destroyed long ago. He is lifted up in the air, and there he hangs preparatory to his death. Worldwide Delivery. Most miserable night. I recollect how I used to turn to that boy of Brentford, who was first beaten with rods, and afterwards tied to the stake, cheerfully to burn for Christ's sake. Many of the Lord's children have a fine candle to go to bed with. Our Lord shall see his seed on the conquering hand yet. I worry non-believers who copied the OT scriptures for us around the 9th-10th century AD might have changed a few parts to make Jesus look bad (or not the Messiah . Tools. First, we have THE ORIGIN OF CHRIST'S DEATH. You remember even as they were nailing Him, He said, "Father, forgive them; they know not what they do" ( Luke 23:34 ). He believes with Peter "Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain." a "Ubi posuit satisfactionis pretium anima ejus", Cocceius; "si posuerit delictum sua anima", Montanus. There is more truth in the fear of the first than there can be in the faith of the second; for the faith of the second is founded on a falsehood. How no rags of yours are wanted; not a stitch of yours is needed to perfect what Christ has done. The truth will conquer, for God makes it his banner, and his holy arm upholds it; but the end is not yet, unless, indeed, our Lord should suddenly appear. (4.) Our answer would have been, "No; nobody can trust in a man who is dead." And I so love the writings of Paul that I've been drawn to him. II. And I'll go into an area to speak and all they've heard is my voice. What God designed for the Redeemer he shall certainly gain the possession of: "I will divide it to him," and immediately it follows, He shall divide it, notwithstanding the opposition that is given to him; for, as Christ finished the work that was given him to do, so God completed the recompence that was promised him for it; for he is both able and faithful. And as he observed that no one was found worthy in heaven and earth to take the scroll or to loose the seals, he began to weep. I read the epistles of Paul and I think of him as a giant. The servant is satisfied when he sees the fruits of his suffering, namely, a multitude of spiritual children who are forgiven their sins and accounted righteous before God because of his death (10-11). And being humbled, He came as a servant" ( Philippians 2:6-8 ). O thou who feelest in thine own body the effect of thy sin, till thou art loathing thyself, and wishing thou hadst never been born perhaps thou sayest, like John Bunyan, "Oh that I had been a frog, or a toad, or a snake, sooner than have been a man, to have fallen into such sin, and to have become so foul!" I am Orthodox, but my friends aren't. We love to talk about theology. Isaac, who might have struggled and escaped from his father, declares that he is willing to die, if God hath decreed it. Do you suppose he would have ascended to the rest and to the reward of an accomplished work? "Well, but what, in the name of goodness, do you want to see him burnt for? The reward of all his sufferings in making an offering for sin would be, that multitudes would be converted and saved; that his reign would be permanent, and that the work which Yahweh designed and desired would prosper under his administration. But then my heart desires to forgive to pass by man's transgressions and pardon them. Worldliness has gone a long way to destroy the church of God. Remember that in pecuniary matters you must give a quid pro quo, but that in matters of penal justice no such thing is demanded. We are made his seed through his death. Oh! The beauty of it is, that this look of Christ, whereby he sees his seed, is one of intense delight. The Lord have mercy upon his poor church when she comes to be neither cold nor hot, so that he is ready to spue her out of his mouth! III. Take him to the fire and burn the filth! "He shall prolong his days " (Isaiah 53:10). The Spirit of God works the new birth in his own way, but he works according to the gospel. If we are not like Christ, it is not possible that we are his seed, for the seed is like the parent. That would be true; but the text prefers to say he has a seed. O you that are the seed of Christ, go out and magnify him by your lives! Here are you and I to-night brought into this dilemma. That he shall himself continue to take care of the affairs of this numerous family: He shall prolong his days. Be worthy of your high calling. And what was meant by a sin-offering? But he was wounded for our transgressions ( Isaiah 53:4-5 ). If any person think that this language is harsh and disrespectful to Christ, let him descend into himself, and, after a close examination, let him ponder how dreadful is the judgment of God, which could not be pacified but by this price; and thus the inestimable grace which shines forth in making Christ accursed will easily remove every ground of offense. 9And I will give the wicked for his burial, and the rich for his death; for he practised no iniquity, nor craft with his mouth. Given the explicit mention of death in Isaiah 53:9 and the fact that his life is a sacrificial offering in Isaiah 53:10, we are not speaking here of a metaphorical . "It pleased Jehovah to bruise him; he hath put him to griefs." The person so free from personal service, and so truly in our nature, and yet so exalted in person, should also be accepted and ordained of God. Fast Delivery. A similar declaration occurs in Psalms 22:30, which is usually applied to the Messiah. "The faithful God of the Bible would certainly not visit bad things on innocent people, would he? Faith is the knowledge of Christ, and without knowledge there can be no true faith. See how the cruel iron drags through his tender hands! There is not a child of his, born in any out-of-the-way place, but what he perceives him at once. He will reckon all his pains well bestowed, and himself abundantly recompensed, if the many sons be by him brought through grace to glory. 'Tis manhood suffering there; 'tis the Church suffering there, in the substitute. Now, beloved, there be many who think that God the Father is at best but an indifferent spectator of salvation. Do not reject it: you will reject your own life if you do. "Only his bodily resurrection could serve to fulfill such a prediction as this." "He shall see his seed." When they come to the river which divides them from the celestial country, "he shall see his seed." Will you be there to answer to your name? The Septuagint - the translation of the Old Testament into Greek originally made a few centuries before Jesus - has "startle." . he shall see his seed, and prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand. and we didn't esteem him ( Isaiah 53:3 ). But do you know the limit of it? God's sheriff's officer let him out of "durance vile" because the account had been discharged, and God's great Court of King's Bench sent down the mittimus to let the captive go free. WHAT myriads of eyes are casting their glances at the sun! It is promised. septuagint isaiah 53:10 "The Lord is willing to cleanse him of the injury. Crying out the twenty-second psalm, and in the verse Isaiah 53:3 the answer is given, "For Thou art holy, O Thou that inhabitest the praises of Thy people." As God now speaks about His servant, His only begotten Son, "who was in the form of God, and thought it not something to be grasped to be equal with God: and yet He humbled Himself and took on the likeness of man or the form of man and came in likeness of man. As one that has undertaken for us. Though he died, he rose again, and left not his children orphans, but took effectual care to secure to them the spirit, the blessing, and the inheritance of sons. Thus much on our first point. And, to complete the sin-offering, the priest draws his knife and kills the victim which must be utterly consumed with fire. from ancient and medieval sources. The Servant would also accomplish Yahwehs good purpose for His life (cf. Those blindsides are the really thing that will put you out.Now with Jesus as they covered His face and began to buffet Him, no way to feign or to give with the blow, and thus His face must have been horribly disfigured. "As many as looked upon you was shocked when they saw how marred your face was. And now to the text itself, with brevity. Christ conquered for us, and through him we are more than conquerors. Stern as fate, and fast as immutability, is the truth that I must be just. Ye are complete in Christ. But somehow we always create sort of a mental image. There was our debt; huge and immense; he paid the utmost farthing of whatever his people owed; and now there is not so much as a doit or a farthing due to the justice of God in the way of punishment from any believer; and though we owe God gratitude, though we owe much to his love, we owe nothing to his justice; for Christ in that hour took all our sins, past, present, and to come, and was punished for them all there and then, that we might never be punished, because he suffered in our stead. Desires to forgive to pass by man 's transgressions and pardon them of eyes are casting glances! Can trust in a man who is dead. 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isaiah 53:10 septuagint

isaiah 53:10 septuagint