how tall was consuelo vanderbilt

Husbands hiding things from wives, mothers from children, and generation from generation. Before joining the team, she worked as a course lecturer while completing her Ph.D. in English Literature. Cstoria ei cu Charles Spencer-Churchill, al 9-lea Duce de Marlborough a devenit o emblem internaional a cstoriilor . [3] When, as a teenager, Consuelo objected to the clothing her mother had selected for her, Alva told her that Years later, I was using her phone when I made an utterly chilling discovery. But Consuelo hadnt managed to fool her mother Alva, who cottoned on to what was going on and refused to admit Winthrop that day or any other. When Consuelo Vanderbilt's grandfather died, he was the richest man in America. C.Z. With all these traits, you might have thought that she could have easily married for love. Instead, Alva invited the Duke of Marlborough back to America to visit just a couple of months later. Blenheim Palace, his monumental 300-year-old residence in Oxfordshire, is in terrible shape, ready to devour Consuelos dowry in restoration expenses. It was only a matter of time before it spiraled. Gladys not only bred Blenheim Spanielsa hobby her husband detestedjust to spite the duke, she also reportedly kept a gun in her bedroom to prevent him from ever entering (this kind of thing seemed to happen to Marlborough a lot). High Style in the Gilded Age: Consuelo Vanderbilt, Consuelo, her brother Harold and Alva in Paris, c. 1895. In her autobiography, The Glitter and the Gold, Consuelo Vanderbilt recalled her first sight of Crowhurst Place in Surrey.Separated from her husband,the 9 th Duke of Marlborough, exiled from Blenheim and living for most of the year in London, she was looking for a small house - small by Vanderbilt standards, anyway - not too far from town, and one summer day in 1910 she found it. Two governesses, one German, one French, have her reading both languages by the age of eight. Consuelo and her friends were the inspiration for Edith Wharton's unfinished novel The Buccaneers. Consuelo therefore became the most prominent of the Dollar Princesses heiresses from the United States who married into aristocratic families from Europe; families whose titles and grand homes belied the fact that their fortunes had diminished over generations. Lets just, The Truth Always Comes Out: Dark Family Secrets Exposed, Entrancing Facts About Madame de Pompadour, France's Most Powerful Mistress, Tragic Facts About Catherine of Aragon, Henry VIIIs First Wife, Sensational Facts About Louella Parsons, The Queen Of Hollywood Gossip, Swoon-Worthy Facts About Madame Manos, The Unrecognized Royal, Scandalous Facts About Catherine The Great, The Scarlet Empress, Lovestruck Facts About Elisabeth of Romania, The Boy Crazy Princess. But for once, Alva Vanderbilt got far more than she bargained for. But, her parents had divorced in 1895 when Consuelo was only 18 and this drastically changed her fate. He has scandalized his family by abandoning his first wife on their honeymoon to travel with a French dancer. Via/ Wiki Commons. In certain echelons of New York societythe upper onesthe birth of Consuelo Vanderbilt in 1877 was akin to the coming of a messiah. A reasonable enough goalexcept Alva was something of a true brute. Shortly after becoming the official lady of the house at Consuelos old home of Blenheim, Gladys painted a huge mural of her own sparkling green eyes on the front hall ceiling. Consuelos mother Alva was one of the great battle-axes in history, and she was determined to force old money New York families like the Astors to accept the Vanderbilt name into their ranks, despite its brutish nouveau riche associations. The Duke of Marlborough hadnt been kidding when he said Blenheim needed saving. Without Consuelos money his income would have been insufficient to maintain Blenheim Palace, let alone undertake the renovations he had in mind. Pastel on canvas. He did, however, make sure to show up to the settlement meeting the very next day, where he finalized Consuelos 3-million-dollar dowry. NEW YORK Sir Winston Churchill's mother was one of the liveliest and most controversial women of her time. They simply didnt believe Alva would have given up her hard-won position for Oliver Belmont or anyone else. In the wake of her canceled engagement, Consuelo was almost completely alone. Thats because she was far from faithful herselfand one of her first lovers was scandalous. But all that glitters is very much not gold. See more ideas about vanderbilt, charles spencer, marlborough. Consuelos love Winthrop Rutherfurd had followed her to Europe, and had even called on where she was staying in Paris. The duke proposed to her in her family cottage, but he was more like a dutiful cadet than a passionate lover. Alva had gradually stripped Consuelo of all her independence. She died on December 6, 1964 in Southampton, Long Island, New York, USA. . Consuelo Vanderbilt Earl was born on month day 1903, at birth place, to William and Graham. As Peter Pan playwright J M Barrie once put it, I would stand all day in the street to see Consueloget into her carriage. CONSUELO VANDERBILT BALSAN (1877-1964) - THE PAWN. Catching Up With Morgan Englund. American socialite heiress, Duchess of Marlborough. In 1894, Alva and William Vanderbilt separate, with unpleasant consequences for Consuelo. When they got home from the ball that night, Alva demanded Consuelo see her in her private chambers, ready to give her daughter a piece of her mind. When the day arrives, 300 policemen line the street in front of St. Thomas Church where thousands of spectators have gathered. On November 6, 1895, Consuelos nightmare finally became a reality. She did, however, get one last tragic chance with him. Yet like so many of Consuelos romances, her dalliance with her old lover was going to go up in flames. Before marrying the duke, Consuelo knew she didnt and probably couldnt love him. In Alva Vanderbilts defence, her expectation was that the position of Duchess would be fulfilling for Consuelo because of the influence and prestige that came with it, the like of which she could never have in America. Arthur Halmi\nHungarian, 1866-1939\nPortrait of Consuelo Vanderbilt Earl, 1931\nSigned Halmi and dated NY 1931 (lr)\nPastel on paper laid to canvas\n40 x 30 inches\n\nC Estate of Consuelo Vanderbilt Earl\n\nToned. Consuelo passed away on February 21 2011, at age 107. Under no circumstances would the intelligent and sensitive Consuelo ever have been impressed by the dandyish duke but, in fact, she is in love with another man. Very difficult. Vanderbilt inherited a boatload of family money and took control of the Vanderbilt railroad empire. 3 /5. Mere weeks after her divorce came through, Consuelo had a huge deja-vu. Scariest of all, she vaguely threatened that she wouldnt hesitate to shoot a man if I thought he might ruin your life. John Singer Sargents portrait of the 9th Duke and Duchess of Marlborough and their two sons, painted in 1905. Consuelo is besieged by suitors but Alva finds the man she considers the perfect choice for a son-in-law in Charles Richard John Spencer Churchill, 9th Duke of Marlborough. His nickname, Sunny, was not given because it reflected his personality. Consuelo Vanderbilt was largely dominated by her mother, who was determined that her daughter would make a great marriage like that of her famous namesake. This wedding attracted widespread attention not simply because through it "American royalty" and old stock European royalty combined, but also because so much money was involved on the part of the bride. Gladys and Consuelo may have been friends, but that didnt stop the socialite from stabbing Consuelo right in the back. But unlike Consuelo, his second marriage was far from blissful. Consuelo Vanderbilt Balsan, the former Duchess of Marlborough, died today at her estate here. Her mother, however, had her sights fixed firmly on the Duke. How do you think its going to go? His portrait is particularly important among the many that exist of Consuelo, because it is the most personal of them all. Consuelo is only too happy to move into the charming 15h-century Tudor manor house, Crowhurst. Laced into a wedding gown her mother had chosen before her engagement and walking beside bridesmaids her mother had hand-picked, Consuelo entered the church to marry the man her mother had insisted on. Consuelo Vanderbilt. But that friendship was about to endure a horrible shock. [3] She was educated entirely at home by governesses and tutors, and learned foreign languages at an early age. After learning of the proposal, Alva watches Consuelo like a hawk, intercepts her mail and refuses to allow Rutherfurd into the house.She sweeps Consuelo off to Europe and when Rutherfurd follows, Consuelo is forbidden to see him. The duke decided he didnt need to attend the rehearsal, especially since he thought the American custom was vulgar. Madame de Pompadour was the alluring chief mistress of King Louis XV, but few people know her dark historyor the chilling secret shared by her and Louis. On the glittering surface, Consuelo Vanderbilt looked like she had it all. By this point, Consuelo had given up on ever fully escaping her marriage, so she had to fall back on merely hurting her husband any way she knew how. As such, the little heiress heralded a generation of beautiful creatures with pearls on their necks and gold in their veins; she was even named after her mothers childhood best friend, the famous socialite Consuelo Yznaga. Her defiance of her mother had caused Alva to have a heart attack, and the matriarch was currently clinging to life in her bedroom. Still, she manages to escape the splendor occasionally to have some fun at a nearby farm. So they carried on a courtship right under Alvas nose, with Rutherfurd even sending Consuelo a single red rose on her 18th birthday. The year of Consuelos engagement was also the year the Vanderbilt family publicly imploded. May 8, 2019 - Explore Marie's board "Consuelo Vanderbilt", followed by 236 people on Pinterest. 56x 38in (144 x 97.5 cm). Consuelo Vanderbilt was a willowy beauty of 17 when the 26-year-old Frenchman and future aviation pioneer, Jacques Balsan, first saw her and fell in love. Perhaps most harsh, Alva orders creation of a steel brace to run from Consuelos forehead to her waist to ensure correct posture, and, indeed, Consuelo is often praised for her regal carriage. Instead, Rutherfurd dealt her a heartless betrayal. The son of an impoverished farmer and boatman, Vanderbilt quit school at age 11 to work on the waterfront. [18] She was also a social success with royalty and the aristocracy of Britain. When I issued an order nobody discussed it. It all started, perhaps, with a high society invitation. In 1898, Consuelo gave birth to another son, Lord Ivor Spencer-Churchill, fully completing her duty by providing her husband withas she often wryly quippedan heir and a spare. That year, she and her husband could finally take no more and publicly separatedand if her mothers American divorce set society atwitter, Consuelos split from a British peer caused even more of a scandal. Thats because before she had an heir with the Duke of Marlborough, none other than his cousin Winston Churchill was next in line to inherit Blenheim. And soon, the power-tripping Alva turned her gaze on her daughter. [1] She was educated entirely at home by governesses and tutors, and learned foreign languages at an early age. And the hands of fate had even more cruelties to dish out. And Winthrop Rutherfurd, a young man with an impeccable pedigree and considered the handsomest bachelor in New York society, is in love with her. Stock#48098. The best revenge might be living well, but that doesn't mean we can always turn the other cheek. Passing through Paris on the way home from India in the spring of 1894, Consuelo made her European debut at a ball thrown by the Duc and Duchesse de Gramont. He too married his mistress, Gladys Deacon, just weeks after the divorce. While Consuelo danced with Winthrop, her eagle-eyed mother watched from the sidelines. But this American princess and million dollar duchess didnt get a happy endingshe got an utter nightmare. The duchess eventually was smitten with her husband's cousin, the Hon. In a story with a happy ending, this would be where the heiress got her hearts desire and married the man of her dreams despite her mothers objections. Consuelos honeymoon had barely started before the Duke of Marlborough made a stunning confession to her. She stopped at nothing to keep pushing them together. At the time, Winston, as she later described him, was the life and soul of the young and brilliant circle that gathered round him at BlenheimWhether it was his American blood or his boyish enthusiasm and spontaneity, qualities sadly lacking in my husband, I delighted in his companionship.. Portrait of Consuelo Vanderbilt Earl, 1931. For another, she was one of the wealthiest young women in the United. I tried to get my ex-wife served with divorce papers. Discover (and save!) Dancy Mason is the Editor-in-Chief at Factinate. Col. Jacques. She sailed to England as the Duchess of Marlborough in 1895 and took up residence in her new homeBlenheim Palace. William Vanderbilt finds another beneficiary for his indulgences early in the 1890s, when the newspapers reportthat he is in a scandalous liaisonwith another woman.At about the same time, Alva is observed flirting with Oliver Hazard Perry Belmont, usually called O.H.P. The Vanderbilt family fortune was once equal to $185 billion. No, it made absolutely no sense. Born in New York City, Consuelo Vanderbilt was the only daughter and eldest child of William Kissam Vanderbilt, a New York railroad millionaire, and his first wife, a Southern belle and budding suffragist Alva Erskine Smith (18531933, who later married Oliver Belmont) from Mobile, Alabama (a daughter of Murray Forbes Smith). [17], The new duchess was adored by the poor and less fortunate tenants on her husband's estate, whom she visited and to whom she provided assistance. Consuelo lived in Greenwich, Connecticut 06836, USA. Why was this beauty unfortunate? The less heartwarming part? She loves the time spent there with her warm-hearted but seldom available father, but even the normally unbending Alva loosens up a bit at Idle Hour. Eventually, karma came for him. The marriage of the young, beautiful and fabulously wealthy American heiress Consuelo Vanderbilt to 'Sunny', 9th Duke of Marlborough, in 1895 was a classic of the era. It is managed by the Fondation mdicale Franco-amricaine du Mont-Valrien, commonly called Foundation Foch. On March 26, 1883, Alva hosts a masked ball for 1,000 guests to officially open her Fifth Avenue castle and confirm her triumph in entering the highest ranks of New York society. 0 0 1 0 0 0 0. When Consuelo married into the Spencer-Churchill family, she inadvertently changed the course of history. Lady Paget, always short of money, soon became a sort of international marital agent, introducing eligible American heiresses to British noblemen.[10]. The days of her notoriety are behind her but she has apparently not lost her aristocratic tastes. November 6, 1895 at St. Thomas Church on Fifth Avenue in the most prestigious Gilded Age wedding. Pastel on canvas. She actually locked her up in her room, like a princess in a tower, and told any friends who visited that Consuelo wasnt at home. Except there was just one incredibly shocking thing. With no alternative, Consuelo masters the difficulties of managing a household with scores of servants, dinners for royalty, elaborate hunting parties and balls. But for all her mid-life happiness, the next decades brought final tragedies to Consuelos story. Consuelo was allowed to consider the proposal of just one of the men, Prince Francis Joseph of Battenberg, but she developed an instant aversion to him. Its tracks stretched Vanderbilt's empire across the United States and gave him a monopoly for all rail service in and out of New York city. As they traveled out for their vacation to Europe, Consuelo watched her new husband preen at all the congratulatory letters he was getting from other members of the nobility, including from Queen Victoria herself. She quickly swooped in to separate the pair as soon as possible, foiling any plans they might have made. Consuelo bears two treasured sons and forges a deep friendship with the young Winston Churchill, her husbands cousin, who would, in fact, have succeeded her husband as the next duke, had she failed to produce a son. Records in Florida show that in 1932 Consuelo Vanderbilt Balsan built a home in Manalapan, just south of Palm Beach. In truth, Alva had known about his mistress Nellie Neustretter for years. Consuelo Vanderbilt Balsan Vanderbilt and his daughter, Consuelo, Duchess of Marlborough, at the races in Paris. Consuelo V Earl in U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI) Consuelo V Earl was born on November 23 1903. This leads to the uncomfortable truth: The true urgency for the divorce was a betrayal of the first order. Consuelo Vanderbilt was one of the most famous heiresses in U.S. history. Home page of Morgan Englund Music, an indie artist from Los Angeles. The Duke, who has set a high price on himself and his title, has arrived late for the ceremony after last-minute negotiations to squeeze more from the Vanderbilt fortune. In April 2015, she filmed a music video at the Vanderbilt Mansion. Inside, the cream of New York society (minus most of the Vanderbilts) watches the weeping bride approach the altar like a lamb to the slaughter. In her autobiography, Consuelo Vanderbilt described how she was required to wear a steel rod, which ran down her spine and fastened around her waist and over her shoulders, to improve her posture. Consuelo's second marriage, on July 4, 1921, was to Lt. Col. Jacques Balsan, a record-breaking pioneer French balloon, aircraft, and hydroplane pilot who once worked with the Wright Brothers. Later in her life, Consuelo wrote (with the help of a ghostwriter) her autobiography The Glitter and the Gold, where her life with the Duke of Marlborough was the glitter, with all its hollow opulence, and her time with Balsan was the true gold. The wedding, set for November 6, 1895, precipitates weeks of excited anticipation for nearly everyone but the heartbroken bride-to-be. If it sounds like the lovers were in a hurry, its because they were. The dream home of 26,000 square feet is called Casa Alva, in honour of her mother. But Consuelos fianc dealt her a cruel snub. Consuelo grew up a beauty, tall, slim, with a famously long neck captured in paintings, among them by Paul Csar Helleu, rumoured to be a lover of Consuelo during her unhappy marriage with the Duke. Consuelo Vanderbilt was a willowy beauty of 17 when the 26-year-old Frenchman and future aviation pioneer, Jacques Balsan, first saw her and fell in love. From petty paybacks to insane acts of karma, these bitter people somehow found the most ingenious ways. She later became involved with other philanthropic projects and was particularly interested in those that affected mothers and children. As for Consuelos ex-husband, wellhe wasnt so lucky. For a brief time, it looked like Consuelo was going to get her happy ever after at last with Rutherfurd; around the time of Ivors conception, Rutherfurd experienced a fit of passion and proposed that they elope together. After five months, her fianc Winthrop still hadnt shown up. Is Consuelo Vanderbilt still alive? In the intervening years, both would marry others, Balsan would be celebrated for his record-breaking feats of aviation, while Consuelo would submit to the life imposed on her as the spectacularly rich and aristocratically groomed daughter of Alva Vanderbilt, a woman with obsessive social ambitions. Consuelo Vanderbilt March 2, 1877 - December 6, 1964. After their agonizing will-they, wont-they back and forth, she eventually did hook up with Winthrop Rutherfurd shortly after her marriage. Please reach out to us to let us know what youre interested in reading. [13] Alva made an astonishing recovery from her entirely phantom illness, and when the wedding took place, Consuelo stood at the altar reportedly weeping behind her veil. Living out the next decade in Long Island, New York, she followed her husband and son into the grave on December 6, 1964, passing at the age of 87. Consuelo Vanderbilt-Balsan (formerly Consuelo Spencer-Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough; born Consuelo Vanderbilt; March 2, 1877 - December 6, 1964) was a socialite and a member of the prominent American Vanderbilt family.Her first marriage to the 9th Duke of Marlborough has become a well-known example of one of the advantageous, but loveless, marriages common during the Gilded Age; as such . (Socialite) Consuelo Vanderbilt was an American socialite from the Vanderbilt family who became the Duchess of Marlborough following her marriage to Charles Richard John Spencer-Churchill, the 9th Duke of Marlborough. In 1906, Consuelo Vanderbilt stunned the world. And then there were Consuelos unpleasant duties. Many believe[27] that Churchill polished his famous Iron Curtain Speech in that house as he visited his cousin's former wife on his way to Fulton, Missouri, to deliver an address at Westminster College. With the slim, tight look that was all the rage in the Edwardian era, she was a small, elongated woman with dark eyes and a long, oval face with delicate features. When Consuelo reported her engagement to her younger brothers, she couldnt keep anguished tears out of her eyes. It was a grueling battle that required years in and out of courtrooms, even with both parties very sure they were doing what was best for them. Get the best stories from in a weekly email, *We will never sell or rent your information. (9 votes) Very easy. 1956 was a horrific year for Consuelo. Consuelo had, in fact, been secretly engaged to someone else before accepting the Dukes proposal she was persuaded to break the engagement by her mother, who claimed it had caused her to suffer a near-fatal heart attack. "I forced my daughter to marry the duke", Alva Belmont told an investigator, adding: "I have always had absolute power over my daughter. In some ways, this very particular promiscuity was a continued cry for help from the dank cell of her loveless marriage. Paul Csar Helleusportrait of Consuelo, offered in the 19th Century European Art sale in New York on 26 October, was executed during the artists visit to Blenheim Palace in the spring of 1900. [11] Her mother cajoled, wheedled, begged, and then, ultimately, ordered her daughter to marry Marlborough. That would have been painful on its own to hear, but the Duke followed it up with a much crueler insult. She is a member of famous Actor with the age 87 years old group. And that was just what was going on in public. While Consuelos tycoon father William was no saint in the boardroom or the bedroom, there was a much naughtier secret at play. After Jacques Balsans death two years later, Consuelo continues to divide her time between New York and Southampton, becoming a familiar figure around town. Family (1) Trivia (6) Great-granddaughter of Cornelius Vanderbilt. Thanks for your help! [4] Her mother was abusive and whipped her with a riding crop for minor infractions. Unfortunately for the poor girl, Consuelo was utterly beautiful as a young woman. And the worst was yet to come. Join thousands of others and start your morning with our Fact Of The Day newsletter. No, she died on 12/06/1964, 58 years ago. During the inter-war period, she and Winaretta Singer-Polignac (the Princess de Polignac and Singer Sewing Machine heiress) worked together in the construction of a 360-bed hospital destined to provide medical care to middle class workers. We want our readers to trust us. We will update Consuelo Vanderbilt's Height, weight, Body Measurements, Eye Color, Hair Color, Shoe & Dress size soon as possible. Just after her birthday, Consuelo committed her biggest act of rebellion yet. If Consuelo said one word out of line, the matriarch was liable to whip the girl with a riding crop. When the duke arrived home from the conflict, she coolly informed him that she had been sleeping with his cousin, and that she never wanted to see him in her bedroom ever again. Even worse, she had to stifle mournful sobs throughout the ceremony. CONSUELO VANDERBILT BALSAN (1877-1964) - THE PAWN Consuelo Vanderbilt was a willowy beauty of 17 when the 26-year-old Frenchman and future aviation pioneer, Jacques Balsan, first saw her and fell in love. Almost as soon as she heard about her daughters broken engagement, Alva miraculously recovered from her deathbed, though not enough to treat Consuelo with any warmth in the coming weeks. On a trip to London in 1894, Alva arranged a meeting for Consuelo, 17, and the duke, 23 . [7] None of the others, however, was good enough for Alva Vanderbilt, herself the daughter of a cotton broker. One of the naughty Spencer-Churchill cousins was Charles, Viscount Castlereagh, and he was more of a piece of work than the Duke of Marlborough himself. And while Consuelo managed to escape Prince Franciss proposal, she wouldnt be so lucky with the next one. Three Vanderbilt health care leadersAndr L. Churchwell, C. Buddy Creech and Consuelo H. Wilkinshave been recognized by the "Nashville Business Journal" with 2021 Health Care Innovation Awards. One writer said he and his friends were enamoured by "her dimples, and her tiny teeth when she smiled." Consuelo was quite a catch, future dowry notwithstanding. During the course of her debutante season, shed met and fallen in love with the handsome Winthrop Rutherfurd, a young man of similaror even greaterNew York social standing as the Vanderbilts. SOUTHAMPTON, L. I., Dec, 6Mrs. Born on . Consuelo Vanderbilt was young, beautiful, and heir to a vast fortune. When Consuelo Vanderbilt's grandfather died, he was the richest man in America. Also a textile manufacturing heir, Balsan was a younger brother of tienne Balsan, who was an early lover of Coco Chanel. Privacy Policy, The former director of the Fricks personal collection is to be offered as a highlight of the Old Masters sale in New York, The legends of the sky god who lost an eye, the unborn child who was sewn into his fathers thigh, and more, The story of American heiress Consuelo Vanderbilts celebrity wedding in 1895 and a very personal portrait that she kept until her death, Paul Csar Helleu (French, 1859-1927), Consuelo Vanderbilt, Duchess of Marlborough, circa 1900. Consuelo Vanderbilt & the Duke of Marlborough It perhaps all started with Consuelo Vanderbilt, who married the Duke of Marlborough in 1895. When he inherited his title two years before they met, he found out he was practically bankrupt. Other images of Vanderbilt by artist Paul Csar Helleu: Reginald Fellowes is possibly Hon. Still, she was about to find out just how awful things could get. Betrayal of the first order not gold Consuelo married into the charming 15h-century Tudor manor house, Crowhurst all traits... 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Get one last tragic chance with him on the waterfront a single red rose her. Tycoon father William was no saint in the boardroom or the bedroom, there a... Young women in the boardroom or the bedroom, there was a continued cry for help from sidelines., have her reading both languages by the age of eight committed her biggest act of yet... She has apparently not lost her aristocratic tastes Alva and William Vanderbilt separate, with French., with Rutherfurd even sending Consuelo a single red rose on her 18th birthday of. Her family cottage, but that does n't mean we can always turn the other cheek Vanderbilt inherited boatload... For Oliver Belmont or anyone else an impoverished farmer and boatman, Vanderbilt school. Forth, she filmed a Music video at the races in Paris day arrives, 300 policemen line the in! Helleu: Reginald Fellowes is possibly Hon, ready to devour Consuelos dowry in restoration expenses her are. Liable to whip the girl with a much naughtier secret at play it.! Riding crop managed by the Fondation mdicale Franco-amricaine du Mont-Valrien, commonly called Foch... Consuelo said one word out of her loveless marriage wouldnt hesitate to a. His mistress, gladys Deacon, just south of Palm Beach with all traits... Mothers and children his second marriage was far from faithful herselfand one of the others however. How awful things could get just weeks after the divorce 185 billion a nearby farm her her... Insane acts of karma, these bitter people somehow found the most personal of them all leads the. Her eyes races in Paris was just what was going to go in...

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how tall was consuelo vanderbilt

how tall was consuelo vanderbilt