evil lion names

She was an Ancient Greek demoness of the death-mist that appeared over the eyes of the dead. Hecate - From Greek mythology, a goddess of witchcraft, demons, and the underworld. Ayda Zorander. A demon of Mesopotamian mythology, Lamashtu would kill babies in their sleep or while their mothers were breastfeeding. She was one of the principal evil beings. Lucifer 5. The concept of a demon has existed long before many religions started to document. Gresill was one of the demons and tempted men with impurities. An Old Norse name, Blverkr, means malefactor or evil-doer. I'm grateful and I'm DEFINITELY sure others appreciate your work! In Islam, Azazel is an angel given physical desires and sent to Earth to show how difficult it is for humans. Ruthven is a fictional name without meaning. It comes from the Greek word to tame or subdue. One of the three demonic Gorgons, Euryale, was the daughter of a primordial sea god and goddess. Take The Quiz To Find Out, 15 Famous Dogs Of Instagram you have to Follow, 12+ Pomeranians For Anyone Whos Having A Bad Day, 10+ Wild Animals People Found a Place for in Their Homes and Hearts, 150+ African Lion Names Unique Name Ideas For Lions, 20+ Japanese Lion Names Best Names In Japanese With Meanings, 25+ Unique Lion Names For Naming A Lion With Meanings, Top 20+ White Lion Names Best Names For A White Lion, Lion In Different Languages That Can Be Used As A Name, 40 Swahili Lion Names Top Names For A Lion In Swahili, Top Lion Name Articles Best Ways To Name A Lion, 30+ Best And Cute Baby Lion Names (And Cubs). GIPHY App Key not set. Hel is an Old Norse name meaning death, or realm of the dead. Try it on your website. It was said he had three heads, that of a bull, a man, and a ram. In the ancient Zoroastrian religion, Druj was a demon who was the personification of evil. Glinda: Character from the Oz Novels. When we think about lions, the first thing that comes to mind is generally power, which is why lions are generally considered kings. 55. In it, there is a dwarf named Nli, who was originally a demon of the dead. #kiara you don't know lion king do you because simba falls in love with name then have kiara, This is sweet I wanted to know some lion names. . :o. Wow.You got really into detail in this thing.I love all the names. Weve published articles, tools and even quizzes to help pet parent find that perfect name. Check out these evil name and try to put some prefix or suffix with them: 3. The meaning of Orobas is unknown, but in demonology, he is a Prince of Hell. Lions are the second largest species of cat. The name Narfi is Icelandic, and it means narrow. To save yourself all that running around, this . In Greek mythology, Empusa was a shape-shifting demon. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. My Pets Name is dedicated to finding the perfect name for your pet dogs, cats, horses, chickens, lizards and more, weve got the perfect names. A name used for boys and girls, it means sorrowful. Krasue evolved from Sanskrit and means to cause another to suffer. Voldemort - Harry Potter, killed many innocent people in his quest for power. If you want a demon baby name for your girl that you can use a nickname with, you can call your daughter Abby for short. When you shop through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Many word names, such as Ebony, Mahogany, Sable, and Midnight, conjure up ideas of gloom. Lions are large, powerful felines that are native to Africa and India. You good choose from an already famous lion name or even choose a name that means lion. It is an Italian name that means angel of the highest order. Sarafina was Nalas mother. In a lions world, the female lions are the ones in charge of hunting. without use-package. Samael is a Hebrew name. So Im playing planet zoo right, well I had just got some lions a male and two females, And then I realized what type of names are ,Zooraia,Camila,and fernadio? The meaning of Typhon is disputed. Its said if you listened to this demon, you would be destined to live a life of bitterness, spending your time lashing out against those you believe to have hurt you. Antaura has Greek roots and means a light breeze. Love it. Sarah of Safeds. Good Names Here are some of the best names for lions for you to select. The Vlusp is an Old Norse poem that tells of the creation of the world. I havens found any good names for the lionesses here,but i think some fit for the males! If the align separator is RET alignment will be performed with align.el's rules specific for the major mode. The movie is about three cubs that lost their mother and were raised by humans, Cecil a famous lion from the Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe who was brutally killed by an American hunter, The Cowardly Lion from the Wizard of Oz. In the mythology of Ethiopia, Aynat is the personification of the evil eye. The franchise was so popular, it led to a remake in 2006. Virtually all religions & cultures have various supernatural spirits that are considered malevolent or even evil. They only hunt when they have to and spend the rest of their time relaxing and sunbathing. She was said to attack young men in their sleep, feeding on their flesh, and drinking their blood. Simba (He is the son of Mufasa and Sarabi. You can use it if you want: Tama she's from the lion king too, I love the names I didnt use a m r a as a name I used Amara. In Ancient Greek mythology, Cerberus is the name of the dog that guards the gates of the underworld, preventing the dead from making their escape. we also have a Lion Name generator to get a name personalized on the gender, size, personality and more of your lion. The scent ensures that all the lions of one pack know where they belong, while any outsiders are warned that they have to stay away. Jilaiya: The female demon that flies like a bat or a bird at night. Cariba or Amaris. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Bester. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. This personification of violent death was often found on battlefields. The name "Simba" comes from the Swahili word for lion.) The perfect name name for a Lion is Cheetah. After The Ring movies, in which the vengeful female spirit was named Samara, this name took off in the U.S. In 2019, it was only the 17,334 most popular boys name. Like from "snow white" to "snowy tiger". Please check settings. He is sometimes referred to as the Hound of Hell. This is another great name for a lion who reminds you of a pet cat. According to demonology, Aamon also hold the title of prince. Adbeel is a Hebrew name that means grieved by God. This is the name of Simba's father in 'The Lion King.' In ancient Mesopotamian religion, Lilin was an evil demon of the night who visited people in their sleep, causing bad dreams, sleep paralysis, and death. As a persons heart became corrupted by power, Radna too became powerful. Check out these 113 evil cat names to give your mischievous or demon cat a name befitting its strong personality. Sedit inadvertently brings death to the human race, and when he tries to escape his fate, he becomes the first person to die. Lions are cute, especially as cubs, so here are a few names that are suitable for those adorable, growing cubs that will be good going into their adult lion years as well. 1. In the 17th century, an anonymous spellbook called The Lesser Key of Solomon was compiled. Now making it straightforward below are several names which you might want to consider for your devilish story. You've done a wonderful job with this interesting page on Lions, name & meanings. Batibat - From Ilocano folklore, a nightmare demon who lives in wood. This is adorable name for a kitten. Throughout history, there have been numerous famous lions, whether they were in films, cartoons, or real life. It also happens to be the name of a major. To pass count, use: COUNT gl MOTION CHAR. Branding and marketing are his other interests. This happened because of the various threats to their habitat that have put them at risk of extinction. Radna was a medieval demon who was also known as the King of Demons. This is the point where Askari starts to form his lion guard, the first member being the keenest of sight since his own eyesight starts to diminish. She rules over the realm of the dead. You might need to get a second lion. Freddy Kruger 12. He appeared during the period of Sagittarius, was capable of healing all ailments, and would bestow familiars on those who practiced magic. Here are some cute and funny lion names that youll want to look through before deciding. In the novel series, The Vampire Chronicles, Lestat de Lioncourt is a vampire who is nicknamed the Brat Prince by his seniors because of his behavior. Kasdeya - Demon specialising in poisons, commonly referred to as the fifth Satan. The movie is about a lion cub, Simba, who loses his father and spends his childhood life blaming himself for it, until one day, he realizes that he has to move on from the past. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia. Because theyre so important to Africa and have been a part of African history and culture for generations, you might want a name that originates from the same area. A girl lion is going to grow up to be a crucial member of her pack one day. Life Cycle of a Lion From Cradle to Grave, Hi, I am Elise McDonald, a wildlife blogger, and author. Karayan They stick together and move in groups called prides. There are fewer evil and demon baby names for girls to choose from, but we do have 50 to share with you. Consider the prevailing beliefs; philosophical and religious beliefs of the character you are looking a name for. Lions typically live in sub-Saharan Africa, because Africa is their primary place of origin. This is a good name for someone known to do evil things or someone who has an evil aura around them. When its their day to eat, the female will go out to hunt. %privacy_policy%. Keres were female death spirits in Greek mythology. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Consequently, she is the space between day and night the dawn. 16.Griff (Welsh origin) meaning 'mythological creature which is a combination of eagle and lion'. Contrary to what you may think, lions arent always hunting for food and collecting kill to feed off of. Bela - Hebrew. Dinn is an Old Norse name meaning deceased. As a person who loves lions,i am trying to create a lion Pride from schleich(dont blame me,im just a kid!) loveeachothers. In the Bible, Azazel is a desolate place into which a goat bearing sin is sent. I always wanted a chance to get a lions cub as a pet. Flynn: General: He certainly seems like a boss! Birchfeather warrior of Oakclan on June 18, 2020: I am writing a lion pride story and this helped, btw @Hazelstar I LUV warrior cats. In Germanic folklore, Mare is a demonic entity that visits people as they sleep and sits on their chests. Mudlark - to play. Scar: This was the evil uncle's name in the first Lion King movie . Q: What was the name of the evil lion who reached -175,000 karma? Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. Consider the prevailing beliefs; philosophical and religious beliefs of the character you are looking a name for. You signed in with another tab or window. Below are some of the good evil names to quickly scroll through to get more ideas: Bilal is BS computer science student. The Ancient Greeks would bury their dead with a coin in their mouth so they could pay him for their journey. There are only about 523 of them left. Claudia evolved from Ancient Greek and means lame or crippled. Oh. Lamashtu. It is a Swahili name that means mirage. Sarabi was Simbas mother. I have compiled a list of some of the best lion names out there, so take a look and find the one that you need! Consequently, they exhumed him, and upon discovering his hair and nails had grown, declared him a vampire and drove a stake into his corpse. The literal translation of Onoskelis is she who has the legs of an ass. Famous Lion Names. For example, here are some of the best nicknames for Evil that I have brainstormed: Kevo. Armaros is thought to be a Greek form of the Ancient Hebrew name Armoni, which means palatial. Romeo needs his Juliet. Naturally, lions are untamed and wild, but they can be tamed from a young age to keep them in zoos or as pets. DAD!" Kion cried worriedly as he sprinted in, until he halted in his tracks and gasped at the sight in front of him. Simba: Simba is a famous lion name inspired by the protagonist of the movie 'The Lion King.' Elsa: Elsa is a feminine name which will suit your lion.This name is inspired by the character from the movie 'Born Free.' Mufasa: If you have a noble lion, the name Mufasa will suit it. Its not clear what the origin of this name is. He was the title character of the book, Vampyre. I do have a nice name for ppl who want something special,even though its long and so,its ORIGINAL so,here it is,i use it for lionesses btw: Its just a random Word that sounded good for a lioness so Why not? Sometimes, theyll have two days per week where they dont need more food, so they rest until their next hunt. Known as the Queen of Charn and the White Witch, she appears in the first two books: The Magician's Nephew, and The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. Jadis is part giant, and said to be the offspring of an iteration of the biblical Lilith. Acheron is Latin and means river of sorrow. It is also the name of a moon of Uranus , and the name of a spirit in Shakespeare's play . However, they have since then become extinct at the hands of hunters. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Btw, thanks for helping me find the name. Parsley a lion from the old childrens show The Herbs. Here are some names you can consider for a girl lion. Sikara. Okay, all of these are from The Lion King movies and book, and you likely know the names already! Robotic characters will not have names that are culturally related or derived. Consequently, she has been cast as a real-life female vampire, despite the stories being dubious. It became popular in the U.S. in the first decades of the 20th century but saw a gradual decline after 1930. Try one of these names to see if it is a good fit for your male lion. The only thing i needed help is names for my Oc's.Already got em names. Lamashtu is an Akkadian name and means she who erases. In the 16th century, Buer emerged as a Great President of Hell who commanded 50 legions of demons. What is your spirit Animal? In the Christian Old Testament, Cozbi was a Midianite princess who seduced Isralie men, leading them into idolatry and sin. He first appeared in 16th-century literature and was said to command 19 legions of demons. Youll want to give her a name that represents how much power she has, and how important she is to the continuation of the lion species. The Watchers defected, gave mankind forbidden knowledge, and took mortal wives. Gorgo is an alternative name for Medusa, one of the three gorgons of Greek mythology. Evil names are a great way to help your child become more imaginative, and they can be used for gaming, story-making, social media and so much more. This is a kitten name that was stolen for baby lions. Rudo- means love. Weve combed through history, centuries of literature, and decades of movies and television to bring you 100 options to consider if you want your baby to have an edge. Hecate is an Ancient Greek name and means worker from afar. Most of these names are of African and Latin origin that gel well with their fearless personality. Female lions do the majority of the hunting while the males protect the group. When she is old enough, she spends the day spinning evil intentions for the world from flax. Theres no easy answer, but here are some things to consider. In Christian demonic legend, Eligor, sometimes written as Abigor, is a demon and one of the Great Dukes of Hell. Nocnitsa is a demon in Slavic folklore. What about Cecilthe poor lion that was hunted savagely not too long ago by a idiot in Africa? They all have a firey appearance when summoned by other animals. The Greek goddess Hecate was, among other things, the goddess of witchcraft and magic. 35. In Greek mythology, Pandora was given a box containing all of the evils of the world and told not to open it. Like most cats, theyre nocturnal and spend their days sleeping and carry out major activities at night. A few lions living in zoos and reservations are believed to be descendants of the Barbary lion, particularly the lions found in Rabat Zoo, but there are no Barbary lions found in the wild. The distinct feature that makes them stand out is a length of skin that runs along their belly. Lions are one of the most majestic animals that you'll see in the wild, which is one reason they're known as "Kings of the Jungle.". She had a crocodile's head, a lion's front paws, . Disney has always been fascinated with lions, thats what youll see numerous lions all across different Disney movies and shows. Here are some names for white lions that might match how magnificent these creatures really are. However, now they remain only in the Gir National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary in India. Cats can have cute names, but lions should have specific and unique names that will suit their iconic and fiery image. While not overtly evil in itself, the meaning of Doyle can suggest dark undertones. In his most frequent form, Forneus is seen as a sea monster. In Hindi mythology, Usha is a demon princess. Anubis is an Ancient Egyptian name that means royal child or prince. There are two main subspecies of lions, the P.I. Here are 20 of the most famous lion names from popular movies. Not a problem! Take that, door! An African name that also means lion. He was Simbas father and the first Lion King of Pride Rock featured. They have a unique form of living and hunting and are the only kinds of cats that stay together in a pride of as many as 30 lions. From Mythology Top 10 Mythical Gods Top 10 Lamest Arguments Used by Christians Top 10 Biggest Atrocities Committed in the Name of Religion Top 10 Atheist Stereotypes That Are Not True . It is a Swahili name that means scar. He was Scar and Ziras son, the chosen heir and Kiaras mate. They have tawny coats with dark brown or black spots. Over the last year, we have helped thousands of people name their businesses, characters, and pets. 100 Greek Mythology Baby Names (Gods & Goddesses), 100 Magical Baby Names (To Give Your Child a Powerful Start in Life), 100 Gorgeous Black Names (For Cool Boys And Girls), 100 Fabulous Names Meaning Blue (Boys & Girls), 99 Fabulous Names Meaning Earth (Popular to Unique), 100 Cute Names Meaning Ocean (Boys & Girls), 100 Clever Names Meaning Red (From Popular to Unique), 100 Cute Trickster Names (For Your Little Trouble Maker), 100 Fetching Names That Mean Angel (Straight From Above), 100 Names Meaning Beautiful (For Your Sweet Little Babe), 100 Holy Names Meaning Blessing (For Your Miraculous Munchkin), 100 Cute Names Meaning Butterfly (For Your Blossoming Baby), 100 Intriguing Names That Mean Dark (With Meanings), 105 Cool Names That Mean Death (From Popular to Unique), 100 Fabulous Names That Mean Gold (Boys & Girls), 100 Cute Names Meaning Hope (For Your Little Miracle). In demonology, this is the name of the Grand Marquis of Hell. Gorgo evolved from the Sanskrit garjana, which refers to a guttural sound, like the growling of a beast. Watchers were angels sent to Earth to watch over humans. AAMON. Alocer - powerful demon. There are plenty of evil and demon baby names for boys. Hannibal 2. Or are they just all attractive if they are healthy? An excellent name for a lion of African origin. Medea: Enchantress in Greek mythology. Although we don;t recommend it, people can make friends with lions or make them your pet if trained from a very young age naming them is a crucial step along the way. Either way, you should have no trouble coming up with a name fit for a king, the King of the Jungle!With all of these lion names, you probably found a few good ones that will suit your feline friend. leo, which includes the Asiatic, West African, Central African, and Barbary lion and the P.I. During that time, he did the work of nine men. Ilocano legends tell of the Batibat, an obese tree-dwelling demon. They usually live in parts of East Africa, such as Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, and Mozambique. The Zoroastrian demon Bushyasta was the cause of laziness and procrastination. I am still deciding on either fang or king. 36. It was said that others were too scared to strike him in battle because he was so ugly, he must be the devil. Medusa had live snakes for hair, and anyone who made eye contact with her would turn to stone. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. Lions aren't either good or evil animals because they are animals that will act on their instincts which doesn't make them either good or evil animals. In Norse mythology, Hel, a giantess, is the daughter of Loki and Angrboa. If youre looking for a name that means evil and dont mind where it comes from or whether there is a story behind it, you could do worse than to simply choose a word that translates as evil. I have toy lion figures and need a name for my new cub. Kiara(yes that's my actual name) on June 04, 2019: I forgot that in the Lion King the lion samba falls in love with is Kiara I think ;-; Anyways, these names were really helpful to me because I have a online lion game and I was wondering what to name it! Jadis is the name of the fictional villain from C.S. If your cat is a little demon of its own, these demon names are the perfect fit for your unique critter. Work fast with our official CLI. Those are my favs, These names are helping me a lot in my writing. It's also the name of a Malebranche member, a group in charge of guarding the Bolgia Five in the Eight Circles of Hell. All attractive if they are healthy sleep, feeding on their chests a medieval who! Was so popular, it means narrow, Aynat is the daughter of Loki and Angrboa for,. And sits on their flesh, and said to command 19 legions of demons shown may be of. 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evil lion names